Happy New Year!

Well 2013 was pretty great all in all, filled with amazing uni memories and achievements, lots of amazing internships and fun filled adventures to Scotland, Guernsey and Gran Caneria. Of course 2013 had it’s highs and low’s but it’s time to move on and focus on the New Year and get a few things in check.Image

I created this cute little quote design last summer when leaving uni, using an image of some L.A palm trees, a range of filters, overlay of text and cute border. I really enjoy experimenting with cool iPhone apps so creating cute things like this is right up my street.

Travel more- Now I certainly don’t have the money for some big time travelling (just yet) but I do want to make sure I get to visit old friends and family across the UK. However, in a few days I will be off for a short break to Disneyland Paris and cannot freakin wait!!!!

Save Save Save- Now this one will be the trickiest, I want to try and save my little pennies for one big adventure. Stop spending money on silly eBay finds that I really don’t need and try to put as much money as I can in that savings account of mine.

Work hard- This is the one aspect of my life I haven’t figured out just yet, cracking into the fashion industry is so difficult and expensive! But wherever I end up and whatever job I end up doing, I will be working hard!

Get fit- What a classic, gotta throw this old chestnut in for good measure. As I don’t have the time (or money) to get down to the gym everyday. I will try my best to do some cheeky home exercises and YouTube vids just to keep in shape and not feel as guilty when I’m half way through a bag of Thai sweet chilli sensations.

Hope you all had a lovely NYE and a cracking start to 2014!

Ally xo




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